Message from HKCS President & Conference Chairpersons

Ir Ted Y. T. Suen
President, Hong Kong Computer Society
Head of Information Technology, MTR Corporation Limited
On behalf of the Hong Kong Computer Society, I am honored and delighted to welcome you to the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2017.
This year, Hong Kong International Computer Conference is celebrating its 40th anniversary, and the theme of this year��s Conference is ��Capitalise on the Belt and Road Initiative through Digital Innovation��. The HKSAR Government, together with our local industries, is committed in boosting IT development to harness the full potential of technology for the benefit of businesses and the community, enhancing Hong Kong��s position as a leading digital hub.
At the Hong Kong Computer Society, we continue to be inspired by innovation, and are all passionate about the driving of a better future through digital innovation. We see the need to promote the adoption of innovation and technology in order for Hong Kong to capture growing opportunities �V and that��s where the Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2017 marks a milestone for the development of our IT industry.
Once again, I welcome you and your participation in HKICC 2017.
Thank you

Mr. Andy Bien
Chairperson of Conference Committee, HKICC 2017
Vice President (External Engagement) of HKCS
Chief Information Officer, Airport Authority Hong Kong

Dr. Gabriel Leung
Chairperson of Programme Committee, HKICC 2017
Vice President (Branding & Communications), Hong Kong Computer Society
Managing Director, Hong Kong and Macau, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
It gives me great pleasure to warmly welcome all of you to this year��s Hong Kong International Computer Conference!
Under the theme ��Capitalise on the Belt and Road Initiative through Digital Innovation��, this year��s HKICC focuses on how innovation and technology can help and keep up with the development pace, and how Hong Kong��s competitive edge in innovation and technology can add value and bring benefits to the Belt and Road Initiative as well as to the overall development of Hong Kong.
A variety of local and overseas participants from both the public and private sectors, including senior government officials and renowned IT professionals are invited to speak at the Conference. We believe this platform can facilitate knowledge exchange between IT leaders from different industries and generate incisive debates for every participant of the Conference.
Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to the Hong Kong Computer Society for the honour I have been bestowed with to serve as the Chairperson of HKICC 2017��s Organising Committee and having been able to work with our respected committee members.
Thank you.
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to this year��s HKICC.
The theme of the Conference is ��Capitalise on the Belt and Road Initiative through Digital Innovation��, we are going to help you explore opportunities arising from the Belt and Road in the digital era. The agenda includes keynote sessions from our honourable guests, Mr. Bernard Charnwut Chan and Professor Tieniu Tan, on the topic of Hong Kong��s innovation & technology advantages which can bring benefits to the Belt and Road Initiative and roadmap, and which will guide the development of AI in Hong Kong. We are also pleased to have Dr. David Chung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, along with renowned ICT professionals as keynote speakers at the Conference.
The other two sessions on digital transformation and innovation, and business ecosystem in the digital world, help you gear up your IT and business for the new digital era. The last two panel discussions are respectively themed, ��Business Transformation in World-class Cities�� and "Opportunities for Win-Win Collaboration between FinTech and Banking & Finance Industry".
We believe that this platform can facilitate knowledge exchange between top minds in different industries and generate insightful discussions for every participant at the Conference.
Once again, I welcome you and your participation in HKICC 2017.